Venice and Murano – Day 49 - Thursday
St. Mark's Pillars |

San Marco was my biggest disappointment in Italy. It never occurred to me that all the pictures
I had seen were paintings and the lofty arches and tiled floors depicted in
those paintings never existed. The
square is large and surrounded by arcades, but they are quite pedestrian, dirty
and covered with scaffolding in several places.
The huge square was crammed with tour groups and the scene made me want
to run. I did suffer through the line to
get inside San Marco, but that was a disappointment, also. The church is interesting in that it is very
old and constructed on the Greek cross floor plan, but it is dark and dingy and
most of the interesting parts were roped off so that they could herd tourists
through faster. I couldn’t wait to get
out of there.
Golden Staircase |
The Doge’s palace was the best part of Venice. Even after the cultural overload of the past
seven weeks, the palace was impressive.
Venice was once the richest country on earth and the Doge was the
ruler. The public rooms and council
chambers went on and on, each one larger, more sumptuously painted, and more
heavily gold leafed that the last. Wood
seemed to be the material of choice, rather than stone. The ceilings were more gold than
painting. The paintings were oils,
rather than frescoes, so were unfaded and glorious.
Bridge of Sighs |
The Bridge of Sighs runs across a canal from the court in the palace where criminals would be sentenced to the prison on the other side. It is called the Bridge of Sighs because prisoners crossing the bridge would sigh at the thought of leaving their old lives behind. The tour route led across the bridge and through the cells. The doors were low and the beds were slabs of wood on stone feet. It wasn’t too dark or damp, but I wouldn’t want to be confined there.
Narrow Enough? |
After the Doge’s palace, I made a quick trip through the
Correr Museum. I could tell that it was
getting time to go home when I wasn’t interested in looking at any of the
exhibits. Roman sculpture – ho,
hum. Thirteenth century icons –
BORING. Yes, it’s time to watch some
sailboat races and drink some wine.
Crossing to Murano |
There was, however, one more thing I wanted to do in Venice
and that was to go to the glass museum on the island of Murano. First, however, I had to make my way to the
Fondamento Nuovo (the embankment) where the vaporetto stopped. This was a frustrating project. I wound my way through streets so packed with
tourists that I could barely move and too busy to stop and look at a map. What should have been a 15 minute walk took
an hour. Eventually I started to see
signs pointing the correct direction and the crowds thinned as I got further
from San Marco. I found the vaporetto
and climbed aboard for the short ride across the lagoon to the cemetery and
then on to Murano.

Murano is Venice on a more human scale. It also relies solely on boats, but there are
no palaces there. The buildings are
lower and people park their boats in front of their homes. The pace was slower and the streets weren’t
completely packed with tourists. Murano
is a city of glass factories and glass shops.
Since I come from a city famous for its art glass, I had to see what was
going on there. Unlike Venice, Murano
had nice wide walkways along its major canals.
The glass museum is in the center of the island(or maybe I should say
archipelago, since it is criscrossed with canals), so I was able to enjoy
strolling along the banks and looking at the glass on my way.
Dr. Seuss Chandelier |
Glass Sailboats |

There was every kind of glass imaginable. At the Doge’s palace, I had seen chandeliers
like lacy crystal confections. No hard
edged, cut crystal here. These are hand
blown and fanciful and sometimes colorful.
Murano produces every imaginable kind of glass, from the traditional to
the crazy. Some of the chandeliers
looked straight out of Dr. Seuss. Every
kind of jewelry and glass animal was represented. There were even some beautiful glass
sailboats. The prices were actually
quite reasonable by Benicia standards, but, alas, glass is too heavy and
fragile to carry. On the way to the
museum, I passed a piazza with a large glass sculpture resting in it. It looked like some sort of giant undersea
creature waving its many blue arms at the sky.
Glass Garden |
The glass museum was very interesting. One room showed the evolution of Venetian
glass beads by decade. There was another
large collection of intact(!) Roman glass.
The skill of Roman glassmakers always surprises me. It was more than 1,000 years before anyone
would surpass their work from the first century. The rest of the museum was filled with
fantastic works of art by local artists.
My personal favourite was a sea turtle swimming through a world of glass
plants and multicolored fish. Pictures
weren’t allowed, but I did managed to sneak one of a model of a garden, all
worked in glass, that covered the area of a ping pong table. I was in no hurry to leave the mellow atmosphere of Murano, but
my feet were hurting so I headed back to the vaporetto dock.
AC 45s at Anchor in the Arsenale |
Entrance to the Arsenale |
This time, I took the vaporetto to the Bacini stop, which is
the outer entrance to the Arsenale. The
Arsenale is a series of basins in the interior of the island where Venice’s
navy was once built and housed. This
particular week, it housed the Americas Cup Village. The AC 45s were anchored in one of the basins
and exhibits filled the warehouses. I
was surprised at how emotional I got at the sight of these boats. They aren’t particularly large, but they are
beautiful and look so fast and powerful.
It was also thrilling to see crowds of people excited about sailing.

The racing was done for the day when I arrived and I just
happened to be passing by when a couple of the teams started signing
autographs. Someone thrust a postcard
into my hand and I found myself in line to get the autographs of the Korean
(not one of them was Asian) and French teams.
In Europe, sailors are professional athletes with fans just like any
other sport. Most of the people there
were clearly not sailors, but they were as excited about their teams as if it
had been a soccer match. Luna Rossa was
clearly the favorite.
Vaporetto Stop |
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pick up a t-shirt and
I’m glad I did because it came with some very interesting literature about the
series that would come in very handy when trying to explain sailboat racing to
non-sailors the following day. I
wandered through some of the exhibits, including a nice one about the history
of the Americas Cup. I would have
lingered longer, but my feet wanted to go home.
I was glad I had a vaporetto pass and could just hop on a boat and ride
back to the stop near my room.
I wanted to go somewhere different for dinner, but didn’t
want a tourist menu place or anywhere I had to sit outside. I accidentally turned down a dead end alley
and ran into one of the restaurants recommended by Rick Steves. The Osteria La Bomba is run by a couple and
the wife met me at the door. She doesn’t
speak English and was painfully grateful that I spoke Italian. The seating was at one long table and the
only other patrons were a couple from Canada.
They were friendly, so we sat together and I translated. The food was very good. I ordered cheese ravioli with sage and Squid
in a sauce made with squid ink with a side of polenta. I was hungry, but feared I couldn’t eat it
all. That didn’t turn out to be a
problem. I devoured it all and could
have eaten more. I think the one meal a
day plan is catching up with me.
Venice – Day 50 – Friday
Leaning Tower of Venice |
St. Something |
Traghetto |
I had plans to meet my friend, Linda from the school in
Montepulciano, and her husband at noon to watch the races. I planned to hit a museum or two on the way,
but it took me nearly two hours just to walk from my room to San Marco because
of the crowds and crazy streets. I first
walked over the Rialto bridge. It is
lined with shops. I passed them up, but
vowed to return later because I wanted a Carnival mask and there was a shop
there with good prices. Once on the
other bank of the Grand Canal, I wound my way through the most tangled web of
alleys and tunnels yet to the Accademia and the Accademia Bridge. I wasn’t too disappointed that I didn’t have
time to visit the Accademia Museum. It
has the best collection of painting in Venice, but I had seen so many paintings
that I needed a break. Back on the other
bank of the Grand Canal, I fought my way through the crowds to San Marco.

I was supposed to meet Linda on the steps of San Marco, but
of course I couldn’t get anywhere near them because of the line to get in. I decided to stand on the far side near the
exit, where at least I could be visible.
I waited for 15 minutes or so, fearing they would never find me, and
then my phone rang. They were over at
the Americas Cup village and had snagged a table in front of the big
screen. I agreed to meet them there
instead. I was eager to get away from
San Marco, anyway. It took me 20 minutes
to swim through the crowds from San Marco to the Arsenale. The racing would be off the shore near San
Marco, so the village was busy, but not mobbed.
AC Village Big Screen |
We sat at our table, chatted, drank wine and watched the
race on the big screen. While I did want
to see the boats in action on the water, I knew that I’d have a better view of
the race on the screen. Peering at the
boats in the distance does not compare to watching coverage provided by three
helicopters, chase boats and GPS. It was
good to see Linda, catch up on our respective travels, and meet her husband,
Don. Luna Rossa Piranha won the first
Oracle in the Lead |
Tacking Duel |
Yes, They Are That Close |

We had a half an hour or so until the second start, so we
packed up and wandered out to the quay opposite the race course. It was crowded, but not as bad as I
expected. I was only one row back from
the front and could still see pretty well.
The second race was more exciting.
Oracle was in the lead on the leg up to the finish past the viewing
area. It looked like they were the sure
winners until they had to tack and Luna Rossa Swordfish laid the mark and slid
through behind them. The boats were in
very close quarters and there was a lot of drawn breath and oohing and ahing. Of course the Italians went wild when Luna
Rossa won at the last moment. I was so
busy taking pictures that I actually missed a lot of the action, but I did get
some good shots. It could hardly have
been more scenic, with gondolas in the foreground and Venice behind.

Linda and Don left after the second race to visit the Doge’s
Palace and I stayed and watched another.
The crowds had thinned out and I got a spot along the rail. Neither of the Oracle boats were ever in the
running in the third race, but it was still fun to watch the boats sail. It’s amazing how you can forget the wing when
you watch them sail. What would you call
a wing sail in Italian, anyway? Vela,
the word for sail, already means wing.
No wonder they win. They won the
third race, also, though it looked like Artemis, the Swedish boat, might get it
for a while.
Venice is crowded with tourists and has very limited space,
so there are few benches, trash cans or public restrooms. Everything is paved with stone. Consequently, Venice is hard on the
feet. I had a hundred pictures to email
to myself, so I walked back to my room (I took the direct route, this time.)
and set to work. After a while, I got
hungry, so I went back to the restaurant where I had first eaten and had some calamari
and salad for dinner. The calamari was
light, hot and crispy, but the salad was made from iceberg lettuce (They
actually grow that in Italy?) and was disappointing. There wasn’t even any balsamic vinegar. They gave me a big packet of olive oil and a
small packet of white wine vinegar. I
usually use more vinegar that oil, but I am strange that way. I could drink balsamic vinegar out of the
I went back to my room to finish importing pictures and post
a blog entry, since I wasn’t sure there would be reliable Internet at my next
stop. I stayed up way too late
considering I had to get up early the next morning to catch a train.
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