May 14, 2016
I awoke early to the slapping sound of dozens of rays hurling themselves out of the water in vain attempts at flight. Each short flight ended in a belly flop that sounded like a gunshot. They kept it up all morning. There was just no sleeping, so I got up to watch.
Downtown Mulege |
We were out of everything and needed to use the internet, so
we motored across the bay to Mulege, which took about an hour. Mulege is not a protected anchorage, but
there was no wind, so we felt comfortable leaving the boat for a few
hours. Our guidebook said to land by the
port captain’s office and we figured we could check in at the same time. We rode the dinghy around the point and up
into the estuary, but couldn’t find the port captain. We asked some fishermen who told us it had
been closed for some time. The abandoned
looking building on the spit where we anchored had been the port captain’s
office at one time. We took the dinghy
back around to the outside and landed it on the rocky beach in front of the
boat where it was not visible unless you were right on top of it. It was kind of a deserted spot and we were
slightly uncomfortable leaving it so close to a town with no one watching it. We had even locked the boat for the first
time since leaving La Cruz.
Las Casitas Restaurant |
We had barely begun the 1.5 mile walk into the center of
town when a friendly fellow named Paco offered us a ride in his PT Cruiser. He let us off at Las Casitas Hotel and
Restaurant, a pleasant spot off the main plaza.
We had lunch in the restaurant and were surprised to find it completely
empty. Indeed the town was largely
deserted. We asked the waitress why it
was so slow and she indicated that it had started to get hot. We were starting to get the message that the
tourist season in the Sea of Cortez had ended.
It was definitely hot. We had a
very reasonable and tasty lunch. I was
hungry upon arrival, but could only eat half of my tostada. It was huge!
Even Mexicans Need Their Sriracha |
The town of Mulege sprang up around an oasis where the Rio
Santa Rosalia runs into Bahia Concepcion.
The Spanish built a mission there.
It was a pretty spot with palm trees lining the river. After lunch, we walked a couple of blocks to
the Mini Super Ayleth where we did our grocery shopping. They had a decent selection for a small
store, although we failed to find any desirable lettuce. It was a relief to resupply so that we could
stop rationing virtually everything.
When we had last shopped in Loreto, we planned to make another trip
before we left and then we never did. We
were out of eggs, fresh meat, produce, and rum, although we never quite ran out
of beer.
After we stocked up, we were too laden to walk back to the
beach in the rather oppressive heat. A
taxi driver had approached us on the plaza when we arrived but, of course, he
was nowhere to be found when we wanted a ride back to the boat. I stayed with the groceries while Don went in
search of the taxi. We eventually had to
have the hotel call him. It was siesta
Sunset from Santo Domingo |
Our dinghy was fortunately still there when we
returned. It was 16:00 by the time we
got back to the boat. Margaritas on
empty stomachs, followed by a big lunch on a hot day had sapped our
energy. We had planned to move on to
Playa Santispac, but couldn’t face an extra hour of motoring. We returned to Santo Domingo for the
night. It was hot and we were satiated,
so we skipped dinner and lounged through the evening. The sky was cloudy and the sunset was
extraordinary, something we mostly missed with the sun setting over the
land. When it grew dark, I went below to
write. The rays continued jumping. After I had gone to bed, Don got me up to
watch them because they were leaping right next to the boat.
May 15, 2016
The rays were quiet, for once, so we slept in a bit. I got up and dived into the water, which was
pleasantly warm. After a dozen laps
around the boat, I got out and took a shower.
By 9:00 in the morning, the water in the sun shower was already warm. A warm breeze was blowing and, for once, I
could sit in the sun and dry off without clutching my thin towel around me to
keep from shivering.
We decided to make bacon and goat cheese omelets for
breakfast but, after I had started the bacon, we discovered that we had lost
the dozen eggs we purchased in Mulege somewhere between the store and the
boat. I changed horses in midstream and
made bacon and goat cheese quesadillas instead.
After breakfast, Don called our friend, John, who had been considering
coming to meet us. We had cell service in Santo Domingo, but wouldn’t once we left, so we needed to solidify our plans before moving on. John confirmed that he wanted to meet us on the 19th. He would fly into Loreto and take a bus to Mulege unless he could
convince the driver to stop at one of the beaches along the way, which we had
heard was sometimes possible. Our taxi
driver in Mulege had told us that the airport taxis charged $200 to come to
Mulege (about a 2 hour drive), although the Mulege taxi would charge only $100
to get back.
Shells on the Beach at Santo Domingo |
After fixing our plans with John, we were free to leave
Santo Domingo, but first we went for a walk on shore. The beach was cluttered with a staggering number of beautiful shells. When we returned, we pulled up the anchor
and headed south down the long, narrow bay.
The water on the course suggested by our Navionics program was quite
shallow. The bottom was white sand and
the water pale blue green. We could see
dark patches that represented groups of rays or, once, a pod of large dolphins
that came to play with us even though we were motoring. Just when the depth rose to 14 feet and we
started to fear we were being led astray, the bottom fell away and we were able
to turn the corner and cut between Isla Pitahaya and Punta Piedrita to tuck
into the cove containing Playa Santispac.
We anchored in 18 feet of pale blue water off Ana’s Restaurant.
Ana's Restaurant |
We arrived at mid-afternoon and lounged on the boat until
17:00 when we went ashore for dinner.
Playa Santispac consisted of a nice beach littered with palapas for rent
and backed by a large sand lot where RVs could camp. There were a few nice homes on the eastern
shore and a couple of ramshackle ones on the inland side. A few trailers were installed in semi-permanent
settings here and there. It looked like
there would have been quite a community during the season, but the campground
was mostly empty. We walked to the
western end of the beach and back before stopping at Ana’s for beer and
dinner. A few Mexicans were scattered
around the television, watching a playoff soccer game between the Chivas
(Guadalajara) and America (Mexico City.)
A couple of gringos were using the slow and unpredictable internet. Lucy, a tiny Chihuahua, wandered from table
to table or flopped in the shade by the door.
It was hot.
Palapas for Rent |
We both had a couple of beers and excellent shrimp burritos
for dinner. According to the guidebook,
there was once a store attached to the restaurant, but the building was
severely damaged by Hurricane Odile in 2014 and the shop had not yet
recovered. They sold drinks and a small
selection of snack foods, but nothing in the way of groceries. We were disappointed that we could not
replace our missing eggs.
After dinner, we strolled over to Armando’s, the other
restaurant on the beach, for margaritas.
One was plenty for me, as they did not stint on the alcohol. On our way back, we heard someone hailing,
“Hey, cruiser couple.” They were a pair
of former cruisers who had moved ashore to Todos Santos and were on a camping
trip with their new RV enroute to a grandchild’s graduation. We chatted with them for a few minutes and
then visited with an international group of twenty somethings who were
traveling in a fifth wheel purchased in San Francisco. Some of them had been traveling for two
years. I marveled at that because, when I was that age, I was consumed with
my career and trying to buy a house. I
would never have been able to travel for years, nor would my family have
tolerated it. I was nearly thirty before
I ever left the country and then it was for less than a week. Of course, I was making up for my late start.
Playa Santispac |
May 16, 2016
I awoke to a strong wind from the south, which put us in
shallow water on a lee shore. I got up
at 9:00 and dived in the water, swimming thirteen laps around the boat despite
big swells smacking me in the face periodically. The water was heavenly and the shower water
warm, but the wind, which had increased in velocity, made it a bit chilly to
sit in a wet swimsuit and I feared the long hair of my braid would be
hopelessly tangled if I remained outside for long. I dried as quickly as I could and scurried
Don was up by this time and, after considering the
alternatives, decided that we should re-anchor in deeper water in the slight
protection of Punta Piedrita. It got a
bit exciting when first the usually reliable engine hesitated to start and then
when it took several long moments for the bow to come through the wind once the
hook was up. It always made me nervous
to gun the motor in shallow water, but there was no other option and she
eventually came around before we hit anything.
We relocated and, feeling much more secure with 180 feet of chain out in
30 feet of water, took the dinghy back to Ana’s for breakfast.
Don's Conversation Partners |
After breakfast, we went for a walk over by the homes on the
eastern shore and across Punta Piedrita to the bay side where there were more
shelters available for campers. By this
time (13:30) it was getting hot, so we returned to the boat to read, write, and
nap away the warm afternoon. Two gulls
decided to take their siestas perched on our dinghy and Don carried on a lively
conversation with them as they squawked and cackled at him.

Just as we were contemplating hauling up the anchor and
moving over to Playa Coyote, our friends, John and Julie from
Myla, arrived. We thought it would be rather rude to run
away as soon as they arrived, so we decided to stay put. Soon, we were invited over to their boat for
cocktails. We had ice and
guacamole. They had chips and
alcohol. We had all the ingredients for
a party. John and Julie had a guitar and
we took turns playing. We had a great
time. It was well past dark by the time
we got back to our boat, but I was hungry.
We barbecued some lovely thick pork chops we had bought in Mulege and
ate them with beans and a mango jicama salad.
May 17, 2016
Playa Coyote |
I got up early and swam fourteen laps around the boat while
the seas were still flat calm. When Don
got up, we went to shore to dump garbage, use the internet and get breakfast. It was Tuesday and both Ana’s and Armando’s
were closed. We went back to the boat
and, after conferring with
Myla, decided
to move over to Playa Coyote, a cove about 2.5 miles across Bahia Coyote. Bahia Coyote is a smaller bay off the western
shore of Bahia Concepcion. It has
several islands in it and is ringed with small anchorages and various forms of
vacation homes. Some detached rocks
poked up a foot or two above the water in the center, surrounded by light blue
shoal water. Playa Coyote had a Mini
Super and a
Myla was not among them. We
thought we could see them in El Burro Cove.
John and I had plans to play guitar that evening, so we motored back
over there so as to be close.
Rocks in Bahia Coyote |
number of substantial houses.
There were several boats anchored there, but
El Burro Cove is famous as the location of Geary, the fellow
who provides daily weather forecasts for the entire Pacific coast of Mexico and
the Sea of Cortez. We could see his
antenna topped palapa a dozen feet from the waterline. We dropped anchor in nineteen feet of water
over white sand in front of Geary’s place.
Geary's Place |
Don and I were eager to find some Wi-fi because we needed to
communicate with our friend, John, who was joining us soon thereafter. We took the dinghy in to Bertha’s restaurant where
they had good seafood and very slow satellite internet. We ate ceviche and fish tacos and drank beer
until about 19:30. Stopping by
Myla on the way back, we all agreed to
put off the jam session until the following night.
Bertha's Restaurant |
May 18, 2016
We were just starting to stir when we suddenly heard a
bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace
emanating from shore. Apparently, Geary
has played that recording every morning for many years. Once the music ended, the weather report
started up on VHF channel 22. We drank our
coffee and listened to the weather report.
Posada Concepcion |
We had plans to climb to the top of a peak overlooking the
bay with John and Julie that morning at 9:00.
We picked them up and all went ashore in our dinghy. Supposedly, the trail began somewhere behind
Bertha’s restaurant. Though we could see
white painted trail markers on the hillside, we never did find the beginning of
the trail. There were supposed to be
petroglyphs near the trailhead and we never found those, either. We did, however, eventually connect with the
steep, rocky trail. We climbed uphill
for a couple of
El Burro Cove from above |
miles to the top of a ridge where we could see back over
towards Posada Concepcion and Playa Santispac.
I scrambled up the summit block to take a panoramic picture of the
entire Bahia Coyote. We discovered a
Geo cache on top of the ridge, but couldn’t register our presence in the logbook
because someone had taken the pen. It
occurred to me that hunting Geo caches could be a good occupation for cruisers,
since we all have GPS devices.
Panoramic View of Bahia Coyote |
Don Dwarfed by Cardon Cactus |
Our descent was much more rapid than the climb up. We had a
chance to admire the desert flora. Huge
cardon cactus dwarfed us puny humans.
Once we made it back to the road level, we walked 500 meters south along
Highway 1 to Bertha’s tienda where we bought cold drinks, tortillas, and
eggs. We were served by Bertha herself,
who no longer operates the restaurant.
The Wi-fi at the store cost 20 pesos for a password and was so slow as
to be virtually useless. We drank our
waters and went back to the beach.
Parking Lot Hazard |
As we were walking past the palapas on the beach, we spied a
fellow standing next to Geary’s place and we asked if he were Geary. He was and we stopped and chatted for a few
minutes before he finally invited us onto his shady porch under the looming
loudspeaker we had heard hours before.
We visited for half an hour or so.
He had built the place twenty years before and, “figured he’d
stay.” It was rustic, but comfortable
and he had cats underfoot and seemed to know everyone in all the nearby
communities. He invited us for the
Fourth of July party.
View from Bertha's Restaurant |
Don and I dropped John and Julie off at
Myla and then went back to the restaurant to finalize our plans to
meet John and eat hamburgers. The
weather was pretty mild and the light breeze was just enough to keep things
cool. We returned to the boat and Don
defrosted the refrigerator (it was getting difficult to remove the ice trays)
while I worked on my blog.
Myla and Comet at El Burro Cove |
John and Julie went in to use the internet after we came
back. They stopped by
Comet on the way back. Don was feeling a bit low energy after our
big hike, so I grabbed my guitar and accompanied them back to
Myla so that John and I could play some
guitar. The seas were a bit rough and we
were almost back to their boat when I got completely drenched by a rogue
wave. They loaned me a towel and we
mixed up some margaritas and visited with Julie until I was dry and we were
relaxed enough to whip out John’s sheet music and try to play some Beatles
tunes. We weren’t ready for prime time,
but we had a lot of fun and didn’t sound half bad on the songs that were in my
vocal range. It was late by the time
John delivered me back to
May 19, 2016
I got up early and swam fifteen laps around the boat while
the seas were nice and flat. Myla pulled out early to head over to Playa
Coyote, but we stayed in El Burro to wait for our friend, John South, who was
due to arrive that afternoon. We drank
our coffee and enjoyed the weak morning sun.
Eventually, I made salami and goat cheese omelets for brunch. Then we read until about 15:00 when we
thought we’d better go ashore in case John appeared.
El Burro Cove from Behind |
We received an email confirming that John had arrived at the
Loreto airport and managed to get a shuttle to the bus station. He said that he would be taking the 15:00
bus. Pepe, at Bertha’s restaurant, told
us that the bus would arrive about 17:00.
We had some drinks and shared an order of quesadillas while we waited,
which gave us a chance to use the very slow internet. A little after 17:00, I went up to the road
to meet the bus. Sure enough, the bus
appeared about 17:10 but, despite my effort to flag him down, the driver just flashed
his lights at me and kept going. I
walked the half kilometer up the road to Bertha’s tienda in case the driver had
let John off there, but there was no sign of him.
Don and I figured that John would either end up in Mulege
and have to take a taxi back or would arrive on the next bus. We settled down to wait. A little after 18:00, Don went up to the road
to await the next bus. No sooner had he
left than we received an email from John asking where we were. I responded and asked where he was, but
didn’t hear any more. Apparently, the
driver had let John off in Posada Concepcion, the next bay up the road. There were no taxis and no cell service and
John had no luck hitchhiking. He asked
at a local hostel, but the operator did not have a room and was not the least
helpful. Eventually, after much
prompting by an increasingly desperate John, he suggested that he knock on the
door of a nearby home.
John Relaxing on Comet |
The occupants took pity on John and gave him a ride the two
kilometers back to El Burro. John
invited them for dinner and we all had a pleasant meal at Bertha’s. We were interested to hear the details of
vacation home arrangements in yet another spot.
Each community seemed to have slightly different peculiarities. These folks were leasing their parcel from a
Mexican who held a federal concession.
Their lease included water and generated electricity from 10:00 to
22:00. The folks in El Burro had to
provide their own water and power.
It was near dark by the time we got John back to Comet.
We spent the rest of the evening chatting and getting him settled
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