Montepulciano – Day 12 – Tuesday
After class, my fellow student, Linda, and I went out for
lunch. I had a lovely bruschetta with
mystery meats and cheeses that were delightful and a glass of Montepulciano
rosso. There was a break in the weather
and we enjoyed basking in the pale sunshine.
We had a friendly waiter who enjoyed us enjoying the food.
Linda had a private lesson after lunch and I returned home
to do some much needed laundry. Fiorella
offered me the use of her washing machine.
She has a little low ceilinged laundry room on the mezzanine level. European washing machines are small. I couldn’t get all my clothes in, so I washed
the colors in the machine and did the whites by hand. Fiorella doesn’t have a dryer. They are not common here. By the time the wash was done, it has clouded
up and looked like rain, so a clothesline wouldn’t have helped even if there
were one. I hung all my clothes on a
drying rack and hoped for the best.
Dinner was tagliatelle with cheese, garlic and tiny little
zucchini. We also had oven baked chicken
and salad, with cheese and apple cake for dessert. We have some form of unlabeled Montepulciano
rosso with every meal. Fiorella takes
her jug and gets it filled somewhere.
The wine has really grown on me.
Fiorella and I had a long conversation about different kinds of
food. Italians aren’t too big on ethnic
food, but you do see kebabs and Chinese food quite often. I have seen McDonalds and Burger King
advertised on the TV, although I haven’t actually seen any restaurants. I had some rather mediocre Indian food in
Milan, but I couldn’t resist. Here in
Tuscany, I don’t see any reason to eat anything that isn’t local.
I am so humbled by the food here. I alternate between wanting to run home and
try to prepare some of the fabulous dishes I have tasted here and thinking that
my cooking is so inferior I should just throw in the dish towel. People just don’t eat junk here. Cheese is made by hand. Vegetables are fresh, tomatoes ripe. They truck them in from Sicily at this time
of year. The meat is really
amazing. The beef is tender and has
flavor. Even boneless, skinless chicken
tastes good here. I’m sure virtuous
foodies die and go to Tuscany.
Montepulciano – Day 13 – Wednesday
Fiorella had invited me for lunch, so I came straight home
from school and we had a relaxing lunch of bruschetta with red, ripe cherry
tomatoes, herbs and olive oil and some prosciutto. I studied for a while, but ended up napping for
a couple of hours. The phone rang and
awakened me and I swear I had been dreaming in Italian. I guess that’s a good sign.
There is another half flight of stairs from the mezzanine to
the landing on the main floor with a pair of double stained glass doors at the
top. From the landing, there is another
half flight of stairs that goes up to a small storeroom. Through the double doors is the living/dining
room. There is a small couch, but it is
occupied by the dog. The people hang out
at the dining room table. Fiorella sets
the table with a cloth whenever we eat, but the rest of the time the table is
used as a workspace.
The bathroom is a little bit eccentric. The room is spacious, but all the plumbing is crammed in one corner. The shower is under a stairway and raised up about 18" to accommodate the plumbing. This makes for a low ceiling. The toilet is actually IN the shower. I thought I'd seem every possible plumbing combination in my travels, but this is a new one. There is a grate that I can take out while showering so that I can replace it afterwards and not have to step on the wet floor.
Tonight’s dinner may have been the best one yet. Fiorella made dumplings from ricotta and sage, sprinkled them with pecorino and baked them in the oven. She served them with thin pan seared chicken cutlets and three kinds of salad. Fiorella and I both agree that vegetables are best served raw. I had never had raw anise before, but I enjoyed it a lot. I can just imagine it with blood orange infused olive oil. I will have to send a bottle to Fiorella when I get home. The anise in my neighborhood may be in trouble. Luckily, no one else seems interested in eating it. Dessert was red, ripe strawberries and a bit of assorted cheese.
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