Montepulciano – Day 7 – Thursday
Today was market day in Montepulciano. Our class went to the market to expand our
vocabulary and force us to speak with Italians.
The leather goods here are wonderful, but my suitcase is heavy enough
without adding to it. I love the smell
of the leather when I pass the shops on the way to school. There are shoes and bags in every imaginable
color available here. I bought a pork
sandwich for lunch. The vendor was
carving slices off an entire roast pig.
It was crispy and spicy and delectable.
I am not fond of all the condiments that Americans put on
sandwiches. The plain meat, cheese and crusty
rolls that they serve here suit me perfectly.
Montepulciano from Below |
The market was just outside the walls and it was good for me
explore the area and discover the location of the bus station. I will be making my first solo excursion
outside of Montepulciano this weekend and needed to figure out how to
accomplish it without missing my connections.
After class, I went to the tourist office and bought a train ticket to
Orvieto for Saturday. I managed to
accomplish this task without the lady in the tourist office addressing me in
English, so I was proud of myself. The
train station that serves Montepulciano is 16 km away, so I also needed to go
to the bus station and buy a ticket for the bus that will take me there. In the bus station, there is a tobacconist
and a snack bar, but no ticket window.
Tickets are sold at the same window where one would purchase an
espresso. I imagine this could make for
quite a crowd just before departure, but it was slow when I was there and now I
am prepared for Saturday.
Valley Below Montepulciano |
For the first time since I got here, there were no
activities planned for the afternoon. I
walked outside the walls from the bus station to the other side of town and
then climbed back up a long flight of stairs to explore the half of
Montepulciano on the other side of my house from the school. I encountered a couple of restaurants that
looked like they might be good for lunch and discovered a Laundromat not too
far from where I live. It’s a steep
climb, but I should be able to lug my laundry up there. It was green and springlike outside the
walls. Lilacs and wisteria are in bloom,
as are apple and pear trees and the famous red poppies.
I took a nap before dinner and then Fiorella sent the dog in
to wake me. We had pasta left over from
last night for a first course and then nuggets of tender beef cooked in a sauce
with black pepper and balsamic vinegar for the main course. The meat was served with steamed finocchio
(It grows wild in California. Why don’t
we eat it there?), spicy grilled eggplant and salad.
A Rare Bit of Open Space in Upper Montepulciano |
I was starting to think about bed when the drumming
started. At first, I thought it was some
kid drumming on a plastic water bottle of something. The street is so narrow and the walls so
thick that I cannot see the ground.
Eventually, the din grew so loud that I realized something organized had
to be happening out there. I threw open
the casement and leaned over to see what was happening. There was a full scale parade, complete with flags
and drum corp, marching down my street at 11 pm. It is the Easter holiday here and I’m sure
this was some sort of religious procession.
There was something very atmospheric about uniformed men marching
through this 15th century street in the dark. I could just imagine the Polizianos marching
off to battle the Siennese with all their banners waving.
Montepulciano – Day 8 – Friday
I have been in Italy for a week, but it feels like I just
got here. Time passes so quickly. There is so much to see and do and
learn. My head threatens to explode.
We passed the morning studying reflexive verbs and
vocabulary for parts of the body and types of weather. This was good for me, since my Italian vocabulary
is long on food and short on everything else.
Today was a sad day because it was the last day for some of the
students. I guess I will eventually see
everyone I now know leave. I can only
trust that new and wonderful people will arrive to take their places.
Gnochetti with Truffle Sauce |
My friend, Donna, is leaving tomorrow. She completed her course today. She took her friend, Linda, and me out to
lunch to celebrate. The restaurant was
in a cellar, but was very elegant. We
shared a divine bottle of dry proseco and the food was excellent. I had gnochetti in a truffle sauce served in
a bowl baked from fresh pasta dough. The
bowl wasn’t really edible, but it got high marks for presentation and didn’t
need to be washed.
Valley Below Il Casale |
After lunch, the school had arranged for us to tour a farm
where organic cheese is made. In Italy,
dirt roads are called "strada bianca" because the gravel surface is whitish. The farm was midway between Montepulciano and
Pienza. We went in private cars, since
most of the people going lived in the direction of Pienza and weren’t returning
to Montepulciano. I drove with Donna and
Linda. The scenery was honestly the most
beautiful I have ever seen. Green
rolling hills, fields of mustard, cypress trees lining the roads, stone farmhouses
with red tile roofs and castles on every hilltop. I felt like we were driving through a VanGogh
painting. Agricultural plantings in Tuscany are so beautiful that they seem to have been arranged by a landscape architect.
Goat Pen at Il Casale |
Times are hard in Italy and it seems that every farm has
turned to tourism to make ends meet.
Some rent rooms and others offer small campgrounds. Il Casale, where we went to taste cheese, had
a campground with a nice restroom and showers and a tasting room/breakfast room
for the guests. The farm raises sheep
and goats and makes cheese from the milk of both. Pecorino is made from sheep’s milk. The owner was a Swiss woman named Sandra who
has lived in Italy for many years. She
and her children run the farm. She took
us on a tour and explained to us how the cheese is made. Pecorino goes through a number of stages as
it ages. Organic cheese which has not
been pasteurized grows a lot of furry mold.
Sandra petted the cheeses as she spoke and it was obvious that they were
made with love.
This evening, Fiorella made wonderful spaghetti with
calamari, shrimp and some form of mild white fish. We sat eating dinner, drinking wine and
watching a program on TV about the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that destroyed
Aquila in Abruzzo three years ago today.
Nearly the entire city collapsed and 309 people died in the quake. A medieval city is no place to be in an
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